Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A few random Pics

World Cup Italy 2006 and La Spezia, Italy

world cup window postings Posted by Picasa

Our carpenter in the country house working some stuff! Posted by Picasa

La Spezia, Italy Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 19, 2006

been away

I have been away on a sabbatical of sorts. What is a sabbatical anyway? It is the "great escape" but, it is important to know how to take a sabbatical without loosing money...I was told that I was not a photojournalist but an activist with a camera. I do not know if it is a compliment or if I should be all pissed off.

What is the line between photojournalism and an activist? If I were in Asia taking photographs of the aftermath or in New Orleans photographing the crowed hotel rooms telling the world of the continued poverty that I an activist or a photojournalist? Would it be different if I photographed poverty in Africa?

where is the line?