Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Raising the Federal Minimum Wage to $10.10 Would Save Safety Net Programs Billions and Help Ensure Businesses Are Doing Their Fair Share | Economic Policy Institute

Raising the Federal Minimum Wage to $10.10 Would Save Safety Net Programs Billions and Help Ensure Businesses Are Doing Their Fair Share | Economic Policy Institute

Why Are We Using Prisons to Treat the Mentally Ill? • OverCriminalized #...

6 Companies That Profit from the Police State (with Henry Rollins) • BRA...

After watching this watch this video showing an example of what type of criminals the justice system is willing to incarcerate.

How Drone "Signature Strikes" Kill Civilians • Unmanned • BRAVE NEW FILMS

The firing of a drone is based on intel that is not fact checked.  If a group of people are doing jumping jacks then they are considered doing a military exercise.  Cultural differences are not considered, as I have seen when I was on the ground covering the Iraq war.  It is not understood that the tribal protocol is to have meetings to come to agreement on an issue, such as water.  In turn, when intel sees a meeting taking place, they bomb it.  All the tribal leaders are killed, the women who are in the homes cooking and serving tea, the children who are playing in the yards and trees.  All killed.

Nothing is working with this and one wonders why the entire world is mad at America.  One wonders why we have created so many enemies that we cannot know where they will come from.  One wonders why we are considered the enemy.  Not only has America spent trillions of unlimited dollars in war, but we have induced a non countable amount of global deaths.  We put immigrants who are running from their wars into our country for safety and hope into dormitory type living for an unlimited amount of time with less hope.  Drones the new war.

Huge Victory Against Monsanto Revealed

Monday, October 20, 2014

Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO's - Full Movie

Don't forget.  Keep fighting.  China will not allow our food into their country.  Europe will only allow non-GMO foods (this is new, before they did not allow any of our food at all)  Our government allows us to eat this food, without any benefit to the consumer...no better taste, no better nutrition etc....Now why is that?  Prop 62 Oregon