So far, the topics are Defense Contractors and American wars covers issues like corruption, American political leaders who either own the company, have stock, on the board of the contractors. These leaders have made important decisions regarding our wars, how and who is funded.
GMO's topics about our Food Security Policies and how they are ignored; Where the seeds are going and how they affect our global health and food security, and what our government is not doing about it. I just started on cancer research and treatments, I ask the question, has the billions of dollars we spent really helped and does anyone listen to the results? I also cover topics on the American and Global Economy, poverty realities, working poor, tax dollars and where it goes and our corporate, bank and wall street scandals. Of course, I have added articles and videos on 9-11 asking the question, what really happened? What happened afterwords?
Defense Contractors and our War's
Related Articles:
Our Tax Dollars at Work
IAP Worldwide Services
Perini Corporation
L-3 Communications Holdings
Parsons Corp
Environmental Chemical Corp
DYN Corp
Facts About Blackwater
Related Videos:
Armor Group - Tikrit Halliburton and KBR
KBR Video Sex Crimes US Troops in Iraq talk about Halliburton
Keiser Report-Europe's Neo Feudalism KBR Being Sued-Poison Troops
KBR Prision Camps in Iraq - CNN Dick Cheney and Halliburton-Nigeria
Orascom Telecom Ad 2 Blackwater is behind Suicide attacks-Pakistan
Halliburton Ad, Message from CEO Blackwater running Op's in Pakistan
The Carlyle Group CIA/Blackwater in Pakistan
5 Kidnapped Contractors Blackwater-Documentary Der Spigel
DynCorp in Afhganstan Djibouti approves Blackwater anti Pirates
Working for DynCorp Follow the Blackwater Money Trail
DynCorp Tax Fund Child Prositition Bush on Blackwater
CEO's of Halliburton and KBR named in Lawsuit Blackwater Shadow Army
Bondstill Camp - Kosovo Blackwater Contractors
You Pay for Dick Cheney's Activities
Private Armies-52 min Documentary
Paul Reickhoff on Defense Contractor Fraud Defense Contractors 1960's
MIC Corruption runs Deep
Rethinking Cancer Research and Treatment
Tainted Water
Labeling of GMO Food Products sign the petition
GM Food Brands
The World According to Monsanto: Video
Join Farmers - vs - Monsanto: Petition
The Genetic Battle - Video
Monsanto to get immunity from the law: video
Truth: Monsanto Corn Seeds: Video
U.S. against Europe over Monsanto Crops
Explaining GMO and Roundup - Video
What is a GMO? - Video
Common GMO Food Products - Article
Brands That Have GMO Ingredients - Article
How Can I avoid GMO Products? - Article and Product List
Monsanto's Patents Monsanto's Monopoly
The World According to Monsanto: Video
Join Farmers - vs - Monsanto: Petition
The Genetic Battle - Video
Monsanto to get immunity from the law: video
Truth: Monsanto Corn Seeds: Video
U.S. against Europe over Monsanto Crops
Explaining GMO and Roundup - Video
What is a GMO? - Video
Common GMO Food Products - Article
Brands That Have GMO Ingredients - Article
How Can I avoid GMO Products? - Article and Product List
Monsanto's Patents Monsanto's Monopoly
America: The History of the U.S. Dollar Value and our current economical crisis (Article)
Thank You Mr. Boehner
Debt Plan Fact Sheet
Our Tax Dollars at Work
Satellite View of Foreclosures
American Struggling Middle Class (Video) What is Wall Street?
Global Confidence in Economy Collapses
Crime Against Humanity
Which Countries Have the Most Days Off?
Changing Hands From Europe/USA to India/China Examples of US Financial Corruption
Lies and More Lies - Cost of Wars and Lives One Example of Wall Street Corruption Occupy Wall Street Proposed/Unproposed Demands
American Job Act Summary - Obama Occupy Wall Street - Quiz
Italy in a Crisis - August 2011
Presidential Candidates Response to Occupy Wall Street
Goldman Sachs Robbing the Americans Video
Asian Stocks Fall - Video - August 2011
Euro on the Edge - Video - August 2011
Spanish and Italian Bond Move - Video - August 2011
July Employment Report - Article - August 2011
Making Sense of a Failing Economy - Article - August 2011
Making Sense of Bank of America - Article- August 2011
First Responder and Cancer (Video) Death of a Firefighter (Video)
We Were Also Killed 1/2 (Video) 10 Reasons Why the Hijackers were Fake (Video)
No Windows on the Plane (Video) Explosions Before Plane Hits WTC (Video)
Bush Caught Lying About 9/11 (Video) Proof that Bombs were used on WTC (Video)
Bush- Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 (Video) Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses (Video)
9/11 Clip taken off Air (Video) CNN Fake Newscast of Gulf War (Video)
America: The History of the U.S. Dollar Value and our current economical crisis (Article)
Thank You Mr. Boehner
Debt Plan Fact Sheet
Our Tax Dollars at Work
Satellite View of Foreclosures
American Struggling Middle Class (Video) What is Wall Street?
Global Confidence in Economy Collapses
Crime Against Humanity
Which Countries Have the Most Days Off?
Changing Hands From Europe/USA to India/China Examples of US Financial Corruption
Lies and More Lies - Cost of Wars and Lives One Example of Wall Street Corruption Occupy Wall Street Proposed/Unproposed Demands
American Job Act Summary - Obama Occupy Wall Street - Quiz
Italy in a Crisis - August 2011
Presidential Candidates Response to Occupy Wall Street
Goldman Sachs Robbing the Americans Video
Asian Stocks Fall - Video - August 2011
Euro on the Edge - Video - August 2011
Spanish and Italian Bond Move - Video - August 2011
July Employment Report - Article - August 2011
Making Sense of a Failing Economy - Article - August 2011
Making Sense of Bank of America - Article- August 2011
First Responder and Cancer (Video) Death of a Firefighter (Video)
We Were Also Killed 1/2 (Video) 10 Reasons Why the Hijackers were Fake (Video)
No Windows on the Plane (Video) Explosions Before Plane Hits WTC (Video)
Bush Caught Lying About 9/11 (Video) Proof that Bombs were used on WTC (Video)
Bush- Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 (Video) Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses (Video)
9/11 Clip taken off Air (Video) CNN Fake Newscast of Gulf War (Video)