Saturday, February 03, 2018

The Best Explanation of What the FISA Memo Says, What It Means and How M...

Another take, a great one as matter of fact. #FISAMEMO #JailHillary #DNCorruption #FISAlies

The Best Explanation of What the FISA Memo Says, What It Means and How M...

Another take, a great one as matter of fact. #FISAMEMO #JailHillary #DNCorruption #FISAlies

#FISA MEMO RELEASED! Treason exposed

A good summary...#FISAMEMO #JAILHILLARY #Americancorruption #JailOboma The truth speaks out. #Banmainstreamlies haha, I had to put it all out there. Just sit back and watch all of mainstream downplay this or not even report on this.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Love One Another - Love and Compassion - Must Watch

Without love we are a clanging cymbal.