Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Penn State Students Celebrate Osama Bin Laden's Death With Riot

OFFICAL NEWS America celebrates the death of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin L...

Bin Laden's Death, celebrating at the White House Video

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy." - Martin Luther King, Jr

Link to Video:  Dancing in the Streets

Sunday, May 01, 2011

yemen youth revolution : 2011 check it out here

YEMEN: Day of rage ((Yemen revolution)) 3 February 2011..

Oman, Sohar and Muscat Revolution 2011 Summary

Susan Brannon
May 1, 2011
The protests started on the 17th of January and are ongoing.
They want salary increases, more jobs, against local corruption, to lower the costs of living, increasing the minimum wage, less media control, better living conditions, abolition of taxes, a trial for ministers against corruption, the limitation of cabinet members terms to four years and the reduction of foreign workers.
They are protesting in the forms of demonstrations, riots and sit-ins.
As of 28th of April there have been 2-6 deaths(see below) and 20 injured.

The demostrations started small with around 200 people and increased as the protests continued, by the 1st of March over 2,000 protesters were in the street and blocked the port in Sohar.  There were riots, and vandalism.  Because some of the citizens complained, the police were asked to crackdown on the protests and sit-ins.

The government denied that six protesters were killed, but Reuters visited the hospital and quoted the hospital saying that six people were killed after the police fired rubber bullets in Sohar north of Muscat.
Oman: Insurgency and development (Conflict studies)
Conflict and change in the Persian Gulf: The smaller GCC states : Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates

Omani capital of Muscat 27 Feb 2011عمان مسقط صحار: مظاهرات حاشدة

Omani Govt. Forces shoot, kill 6 Pro-democracy Protesters

Baraka of Skat: February 20, 20باراكا من السكات : 20 فبراير 2011

Libyan Revolution 2011 Take Whats Yours


Morroco Feb 20 2011 طنجة في 20 فبراير

Jordan Revolution 2011 Summary

The first 2011 Jordanian revolution started on 28th of January and has been ongoing.  There are two parties for the Jordanian conflict, pro King Abdullah and those asking for Samir Rifai to step down as prime minister, against low salaries, unemployment, regressive taxes, inflation.  They want protection for human rights.  The revolution has been through protests and counter protests, where the police need to stand in between the two parties.  As of April 15th, there has been 71 injured civilians, 141 injured policeman and 1 death.
     There have been some results, King Abdullay II has asked Marouf alBakhit to form a new cabinet.  He feels that this reform will put Jordan on the "path to strengthen democracy" and provide the Jordanians with the "dignified life they deserve"
     The university graduates are asking for reform in the government and more freedom giving more power to the people.  They would also like to vote for the Prime minister.Economic and Political Impediments To Middle East Peace: Critical Questions and Alternative Scenarios (International Political Economy)

JORDAN REVOLUTION !! Overthrow THE Dictator!!.mp4

نشامى الدرك تفتك بالخونة على دوار الداخليةJordan 24 Mar2011

March 24 2011 Amman Jordan Protest