Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Comparrison of the debt under different proposals

According to the CBO from 2012 to 2022:

I. Obama's Proposals:
a. Extends Bush Tax Cuts.
b. Repeals Alternative Minimum Tax AMT.
c. No Medicare Reductions.

These add $2.7-trillion to the deficit.

II. Ryan/Romney's Proposals:
a. Extends Bush Tax Cuts.
b. Repeals Alternative Minimum Tax AMT.
c. Tax cut for those making more than $1 million
d. A 20% cut to all tax rates.
e. Increase military spending by 4% GPD.

These add $8.3-trillion to the deficit, THREE TIMES AS MUCH AS OBAMA.

III.'s Proposals:
a. Extends Bush Tax Cuts.
b. Repeals Alternative Minimum Tax AMT.
c. Cuts capital gains to 12%
d. Cuts personal taxes across board
e. Cuts corporate taxes by 1/2

These add $6-trillion to the deficit, or TWICE AS MUCH AS OBAMA

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